Social Impact
Greenspace is truly transforming agriculture through sustainably grown and nutritious pesticide free safe living zero-carbon food. Our vision is to create a global network of community vertical farm operations powered by with a clear mission to revolutionize the way food is produced on Earth and beyond by making vertical farming mainstream.
The world saw how a crisis such as Covid could disrupt the normal production, processing and distribution of food. Farmers had to dump produce that could not be shipped or stored, and conversely retailers had empty shelves after shoppers hoarded supplies.By 2050, 70% of the worlds population will live in urban areas. Urban migration and mounting population will create ever increasing demands for housing, health and sanitation services, employment, and transportation. Along with these stresses, expanding urban populations also increase the need for stable, accessible, and nutritious food sources. This will drive positive economic, social and environmental impact in the years to come.
Encouraging sustainable local farming and promoting home-grown food production, processing, and disruptive distribution insures access to healthy foods while maintaining the long term viability of this new food production system. From a macro perspective, vertical farms ensure greater community involvement as urban neighborhoods have greater voice and participation in producing their food locally. Our community vertical farms can produce crops that are environmentally safe, nutritiously valuable, affordable, and produced fairly.

The community vertical farm network also helps alleviate chronic unemployment issues faced in many urban environments. Aside from offering jobs within the vertical farm infrastructure, additional ancillary jobs opportunities would result from the incorporation of the hub and spoke farm model into the life of the community.
Greenspace is also at the forefront of advising building owners to identify and create commercial opportunities through green food production initiatives that sustainably enhance their building, drive tenant loyalty, engage the local community and affect the environment with zero food miles. Our team works to monitor, evaluate and quantify the environmental and social benefits created by the activation of community vertical farms.
The likelihood of success in implementing a socially-just, sustainable, urban agriculture initiative would be greatly enhanced with the participation of social work.
Collectively these activities are fundamental to addressing the dual threats of climate change and fresh food supply. with significant social impact.